The Gospel Coalition is at it again...
Apparently, The Gospel Coalition has responded to an excellent, but not-so-favorable, article on domestic abuse recently released in Australia, by publishing an " open letter " in which they appear to condemn abusers. :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: There are so many problems with this letter, I don't even know where to begin. They may be hard for most readers to spot, but nonetheless, they most certainly exist. Let's start with the intended audience of this "open letter" - the abusers. Why does Mr. Campbell address the people least likely to even read such a post, let alone admit that it applies to them? It is a well-known fact that abusers will always seek to shift the blame for their actions onto others, and avoid accepting responsibility for their behaviors at all costs. Why does he not address it instead to the victims of abuse? The ones who are hurting and desperate? Those who could use public support and encouragement...