Why "Bruised Reed"?
My pseudonym might seem rather strange or unusual on the surface, but I assure you, it wasn't chosen at random. It comes from a passage of Old Testament Scripture - Isaiah 42, to be exact - and is quoted in the New Testament, in Matthew chapter 12.
Although my interpretation may not be correct, I feel as though Isaiah refers to people who are downtrodden and discouraged and ready to give up because of the way others have abused them, but Christ spares them and lifts them up again. Reeds are fragile and rather useless individually, but when woven together, they can become quite strong and durable!
I am the "bruised reed" and "smoking flax" in this verse. There have been so many times when I should have been crushed or snuffed out by abuse, but I was not. I am weak, I am small, I am easily broken, yet still, God loved me enough to care for me when no one else would, and deliver me from those who desired to destroy my soul and my life. He kept that spark of light and truth alive in me, even in the darkness, and has helped fan it into a flame again. And finding community with others who have suffered in similar ways has helped me tremendously. <3
This reference is even more meaningful to me, considering that it comes from the book of Isaiah. While there may be many passages in it that are difficult to understand and interpret, there are many other places where the nature and character of God is revealed. Throughout most of Scripture, we see glimpses of God recorded through another person's eyes and experiences. However, through Isaiah's prophecies, we have a record of God describing Himself and His Son, the Messiah, and it is amazing!
One of the common themes in the book of Isaiah is the oppression of the innocent by the wealthy and religious elites of the nation. Even though human cultures have shifted and changed greatly since Isaiah's time, human nature hasn't changed much at all. We still see corrupt people using God's name to advance their own wicked agendas, even while claiming to serve and follow Him. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the world of conservative, fundamental "christianity".
I grew up on the fringes of the "christian" homeschool movement, was raised in Independent Fundamental Baptist churches, and was intermittently involved in right-wing politics as well. My childhood and early adulthood was heavily influenced by such people as Jack Hyles, Bill Gothard, and Doug Phillips, all of which have been charged with sexual crimes. Some of my experiences with these groups were good, many others were not. (More on that later!) Recently, I have come to see how each of these groups contribute to the perpetuation of all kinds of abuse, mostly toward women, children, and minorities, and much of it stems from toxic beliefs and twisted interpretations of Scripture.
So, be careful how you walk through this life. Be careful who you listen to. Not everyone who claims to be "right" actually is, and often, those who claim this loudest are the ones with the most to hide. And when confronted with the reality of evil, even amongst those you thought were trustworthy, don't enable it by remaining silent. Even if all you can do is cry out to God, do it! We "bruised reeds" of the world will thank you... <3
- BR
Although my interpretation may not be correct, I feel as though Isaiah refers to people who are downtrodden and discouraged and ready to give up because of the way others have abused them, but Christ spares them and lifts them up again. Reeds are fragile and rather useless individually, but when woven together, they can become quite strong and durable!
I am the "bruised reed" and "smoking flax" in this verse. There have been so many times when I should have been crushed or snuffed out by abuse, but I was not. I am weak, I am small, I am easily broken, yet still, God loved me enough to care for me when no one else would, and deliver me from those who desired to destroy my soul and my life. He kept that spark of light and truth alive in me, even in the darkness, and has helped fan it into a flame again. And finding community with others who have suffered in similar ways has helped me tremendously. <3
This reference is even more meaningful to me, considering that it comes from the book of Isaiah. While there may be many passages in it that are difficult to understand and interpret, there are many other places where the nature and character of God is revealed. Throughout most of Scripture, we see glimpses of God recorded through another person's eyes and experiences. However, through Isaiah's prophecies, we have a record of God describing Himself and His Son, the Messiah, and it is amazing!
One of the common themes in the book of Isaiah is the oppression of the innocent by the wealthy and religious elites of the nation. Even though human cultures have shifted and changed greatly since Isaiah's time, human nature hasn't changed much at all. We still see corrupt people using God's name to advance their own wicked agendas, even while claiming to serve and follow Him. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the world of conservative, fundamental "christianity".
I grew up on the fringes of the "christian" homeschool movement, was raised in Independent Fundamental Baptist churches, and was intermittently involved in right-wing politics as well. My childhood and early adulthood was heavily influenced by such people as Jack Hyles, Bill Gothard, and Doug Phillips, all of which have been charged with sexual crimes. Some of my experiences with these groups were good, many others were not. (More on that later!) Recently, I have come to see how each of these groups contribute to the perpetuation of all kinds of abuse, mostly toward women, children, and minorities, and much of it stems from toxic beliefs and twisted interpretations of Scripture.
So, be careful how you walk through this life. Be careful who you listen to. Not everyone who claims to be "right" actually is, and often, those who claim this loudest are the ones with the most to hide. And when confronted with the reality of evil, even amongst those you thought were trustworthy, don't enable it by remaining silent. Even if all you can do is cry out to God, do it! We "bruised reeds" of the world will thank you... <3
- BR
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