Why "Bruised Reed"?
My pseudonym might seem rather strange or unusual on the surface, but I assure you, it wasn't chosen at random. It comes from a passage of Old Testament Scripture - Isaiah 42, to be exact - and is quoted in the New Testament, in Matthew chapter 12. Although my interpretation may not be correct, I feel as though Isaiah refers to people who are downtrodden and discouraged and ready to give up because of the way others have abused them, but Christ spares them and lifts them up again. Reeds are fragile and rather useless individually, but when woven together, they can become quite strong and durable! I am the "bruised reed" and "smoking flax" in this verse. There have been so many times when I should have been crushed or snuffed out by abuse, but I was not. I am weak, I am small, I am easily broken, yet still, God loved me enough to care for me when no one else would, and deliver me from those who desired to destroy my soul and my life. He kept ...